The Surprising Reason Why Emily Skye Doesn't Believe in Cheat Days

By | January 12, 2017

Maybe you’ve used the term “cheat meal” to describe an indulgent dish or sugary dessert you’ve eaten while trying to lose weight, get in shape, or lead a healthier lifestyle. Emily Skye, the Australian social media fitness star, prefers to call them something else. “I like to call them ‘treats,’ not ‘cheats’ because I don’t want to have that negative connotation attached to cheating,” she told Health in this exclusive video. “Make sure you set that time aside each week to treat yourself because it’s all about having a lifestyle, a balanced lifestyle that you can maintain.”

When you truly do go a little overboard on ice cream or skip a few gym days in a row, just remind yourself that it happens to all of us—fitness experts included. “If I don’t train, it’s not the end of the world, it’s okay,” Skye says. Then, ask yourself a simple question: Why did I start down this journey in the first place? That will help motivate you to get back on track. 

Get more healthy living advice from Emily Skye and Health by signing up for the 30-Day Love Your Strength Challenge, a get-fit program designed to help you become your strongest self, inside and out. 

No time to watch the video? Here’s the full transcript:

Ladies, don’t be so hard on yourself. I see it all the time, and I did it for many years. I had this idea of trying to be perfect all the time. If I slipped up or if I made a mistake, I’d really beat myself up about it. We’ve got to cut out ourselves some slack, we’re human. We make mistakes. So if I don’t train, it’s not the end of the world, it’s okay. We all stuff up, I do as well. I have treats every week. I like to call them “treats,” not “cheats” because I don’t want to have that negative connotation attached to cheating. So you’ve got to treat yourself. Make sure you set that time aside each week to treat yourself because it’s all about having a lifestyle, a balanced lifestyle that you can maintain. If you do, however, get off track, you’ve just got to remember, why did  you start? Why did you start eating healthy food? Why did you start training? How good does it make you feel and how amazing will you feel once you’ve reached that goal? Just keep reminding yourself of that every time you get up in the morning. Why do I want this and what do I need to do to  get it? 

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