Are there other things besides food that affect weight?

By | May 31, 2019

Factors other than food also affect weight

Obesity is already a worldwide problem, but thinness is also a group of people.

A survey conducted by scientists in the United States and France showed that factors other than food also affect weight.

There are currently as many as 1 billion obese people in the world. There are currently 60 million adults and 9 million adolescents between the ages of 6 and 18 with obesity in the United States. By 2010, one out of every two American children is overweight. Young people in Europe are overweight in every four. France is one of the European countries with the lowest proportion of obese people.

So why do French people drink wine, eat bread, cheese and desserts, but are far more overweight or obese Americans than French?

People usually study obesity from the perspective of nutrition, including food quality and quantity.

Researchers at Cornell University in the United States and the European Business School in France have produced a questionnaire that lists the six reasons for stopping eating. Three of them belong to the “inner signal”, such as &ldquo I will not eat if I am full, and the other three belong to the “external signal”, such as “I will not eat the TV show I ended”. They took this questionnaire to college students in the United States and France. The results of the survey showed that Americans’ eating behavior was greatly influenced by external factors, while the French were mainly affected by internal signals.

Pierre Shangdong, who participated in the study, believes that France still follows some traditional dietary rules, such as not eating between meals, eating a certain order, and so on. Some lifestyles and rhythms can help people eat more healthily. But the United States is not like this. The United States is a multi-ethnic country. People come from different places. Their traditional food culture is difficult to maintain, and the amount of a dish in American restaurants is usually large.

Therefore, if thin people want to increase their appetite, some factors that are not related to food should be taken into account.

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