9 reasons why your baby is prone to illness

By | May 4, 2019

The human immune system is not inherently perfect and is gradually established. In medicine, some people refer to babies before the age of 6 as “physiological immune function is low”, so this is one of the reasons why babies are more likely to get sick than adults.

Whenever an infectious bacterium invades the body, the external immune system stores the information in a file to prevent the next infection. And can launch a more powerful attack on this kind of bacteria. Therefore, babies who are not suffering from infectious diseases, or who are rarely ill, have weak immune systems.

9 reasons for low immunity of the baby

1. Poor environment Air pollution or passive smoking, polluted air enters the respiratory tract and affects the ventilation function of the lungs.

2. The lack of vitamins and trace elements such as calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, etc., can cause malnutrition and decreased resistance.

3. Have congenital diseases, such as congenital heart disease, congenital lung dysplasia.

4. Immune Deficiency Diseases These babies are congenitally deficient in some antibodies or synthetase. In clinical practice, because the laboratory items are not complete, the general hospitals do not have the conditions and cannot check them out.

5. Abuse of antibiotics No matter whether the condition needs to be used or not, it is replaced many times, resulting in drug resistance and disrupting some balance of the human body.

6. Unauthorized withdrawal of the drug After the illness, the course of treatment is not enough, stop the drug without authorization, and stop the medicine when the fever is gone. The bacteria are in a hidden state for a long time. Once it is cold, it is easy to cause disease.

7. Abuse of hormones Some caregivers do not understand the mechanism of fever, can’t wait for a drug to get rid of the disease, there are some doctors who are impatient to care for people, or afraid of losing trust and loss of their lives. Give hormones to your baby. Over time, the child has become dependent and the immune function is affected.

8. Clinical misdiagnosis, such as infant asthma, especially a cough variant asthma, the most easily misdiagnosed, baby performance and cold or pneumonia is very similar, cold cough recurrence, old cold treatment, the effect is temporary ease. In addition, it should be noted that tuberculosis has also increased in recent years, and it must be diagnosed in time.

9. Bad habits We find that some babies eat before going to bed, or hold a bottle to sleep, it is easy to induce a cold; children who do not brush their teeth or gargle, the most prone to sputum inflammation. These will cause the baby’s immunity to decline.

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