Hot pot, although hot pot soup can not be

By | July 25, 2019

Many people like to eat hot pot in winter, many young people have got rid of the hot pot “and hot pot disease”, some faces are full of “acne” Some got acute gastroenteritis … … experts reminded that to eat hot pot according to the choice of body type according to the body, but for the seemingly delicious variety of hot pot soup, try not to drink, because the food ingredients will continue to boil in the chemical changes It is harmful to the human body.

Wang Changsong, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Zhongda Hospital affiliated to Southeast University, said that from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the yang in the winter is cohesive, prone to intestinal heat, too tonic and spicy food. Fire on the “lack of acne”. In order to prevent “acne”, when eating hot pot, you should choose radish, pork, day lily, fungus and other yin-based foods, but eat less mutton, dog meat, etc., while paying attention to ensure adequate sleep, and more vitamin C supplement.

Experts also listed fasting people for all types of hot pots. Chuanwei hot pot is more irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. People with stomach diseases, enteritis, acute pharyngitis, oral ulcers and other diseases generally do not eat; seafood hot pot contains a lot of protein, people with diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood fat, gout should eat as little as possible. ; beef and mutton hot pot is easy to get angry, people with chronic infection of the mouth, heavy internal fire do not eat; fungus hot pot should pay special attention to the hygiene of fungi food, and people who are allergic to the fungus itself can not eat such hot pot.

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