Long-term use of MP3 is prone to tenosynovitis

By | April 27, 2019

“ Long press of MP3 or mobile phone keyboard buttons can cause tenosynovitis of the fingers, long-term typing and use of computers can also induce tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. & rdquo; Haibing, director of the Department of Orthopaedics of the 306 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army, reminded everyone that if a finger performs a posture activity for a long time, it may induce tenosynovitis of the finger.

◆ iPod MP3 is easy to trigger “iPod Hand”

Apple’s digital music player iPod is popular with countless young people around the world, but now there are Health experts warn that long-term use of the iPod’s scroll button to select songs can easily lead to arthritis of the thumb, suffering from “iPod hand”.

The iPod can play 10,000 different songs, but when you browse the tracks and choose to play, the user repeats the thumb movements. Experts from the British Society of Spinal Neurology warned: “It is not natural to use the thumb to control the i-Pod scroll button. Each operation actually separates the joints on both sides of the thumb, making the thumb or other fingers inflamed. People who suffer from “iPod hand & rsquo; can even spread the pain to the elbow or neck. & rdquo;

Health experts also predict that as iPods become more prevalent, it is expected that people who suffer from “iPod Hand” or repetitive stress injuries will increase in the future.

◆ Fingers can induce tenosynovitis for a long time.

306 Hospital orthopedics Dr. Wu Jiangong said that the formation of tenosynovitis is related to excessive strain of the joints, which occurs in the palm joint and the base of the thumb. Symptoms include numbness, edema, stinging, discomfort, and decreased sensitivity. It is difficult to hold things, and the discomfort is aggravated by finger movements.

 If the knuckles are painful, stiff, and inflexible, especially if you feel that the thumb joints are not flexible after getting up early, the palms of the thumb can feel local swelling and activities are limited. Suffering from tenosynovitis. & rdquo; 306 hospital orthopedic director Hai Yong said, the solution is that the fingers do not continue to do the flexion and extension movements, if the time is in the same state, the fingers take a break for a while, can also do massage and hot compress police general hospital orthopedics Bai Jianpeng also It is believed that frequent pressing of the MP3 or the phone keypad button will hurt the finger. He said: “One finger presses the small button for a long time, the force of the fingertip is concentrated, so that it can generate a large pressure to operate, so the joint damage will be caused by a long time. ”

Experts suggest that if there is pain in the joints of the fingers and limited mobility, you can self-massage the pain after the hot compress, and then apply the fustatin or fenbidine to relieve the symptoms. Seriously, you should go to the hospital for a doctor.

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