Urgency is also a disease seriously affects the quality of life

By | March 26, 2019

Ms. Wei just passed her 50th birthday, and her biggest hobby after work is dancing. After dinner every day, she always wants to have a group of sisters to dance under the overpass. In the past month, Ms. Wei has been absent from the dance floor for several days every week. Even if it came, I didn’t see the sleek and unrestrained dance movements in the past. It seemed that something was bothering her.

This made the sisters who used to see her lead dance very worried, and they came to visit. After several inquiries, Ms. Wei only swallowed up and said that she couldn’t go to dance: she always danced halfway and wanted to go to the toilet, but there was no toilet near the dance floor to be able to respond. She tried to drink less water, reduced the difficulty of the dance steps, and even padded the sanitary pads to avoid embarrassment, but it didn’t work. Urine, B-ultrasound results are normal, the doctor said that it is a urinary tract infection, but a bottle of medicine is finished, but not good, this thing tossing Ms. Wei is upset, a series of mistakes in the work, not even his wife Her intimate demands were repeatedly rejected by her.

For the symptoms of Ms. Wei, the Vice President of Beijing Hospital, the Vice Chairman of the Urology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, and the Professor of the Urology Control Group, Professor Wang Jianye gave detailed answers.

In fact, Ms. Wei suffers from a disease called “OAB”. OAB (overactive bladder) is the English abbreviation for “overactive bladder”. In 2007, in the “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Overactive Bladder” issued by the Chinese Medical Association Urology Branch, OAB was defined as “a symptom characterized by urinary emergency, often accompanied by frequent urination and nocturia symptoms, which may be accompanied by or Without urgency incontinence. & rdquo;

It is not uncommon for Ms. Wei to have frequent urinary frequency and urgency symptoms, but urine tests can not detect problems. In Europe, about 16.6% of people over 40 years of age may have varying symptoms of OAB, including 17.4% for women and 15.6% for men. The older the person, the higher the chance of occurrence. In the UK, one in every six people has OAB, and the incidence is much higher than diabetes!

The clinical diagnosis of “overactive bladder” is cumbersome and intractable and complex, lacking effective And a specific assessment tool, only 15% of OAB patients seek treatment, and only half of them can get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Professor Wang Jianye specially recommended a self-test form that is easy to answer. After the four-choice questions are selected, you can know how likely it is to have OAB. “If the score exceeds the fixed value, you must go to the regular hospital urology for further diagnosis. “Professor Wang pointed out that “OAB is both a physical disease and a mental illness.” Although there is no life threat, it seriously affects the quality of life, and patients should raise their awareness of self-protection. & rdquo; Because the society did not give enough attention and publicity, did not cause enough attention of urologists, many people think that OAB (urinary urgency, frequent urination, nocturia and urge incontinence) is a natural phenomenon or somehow Most people, especially women, are ashamed to speak. Shame and isolated emotions will directly affect the family and work, creating a vicious circle. Therefore, the early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment of OAB can avoid further urinary tract infection, skin infection, depression and other diseases, and effectively improve the quality of life of patients.

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