Keep away from liver cancer to control the three major factors

By | July 2, 2019

The occurrence of liver cancer is the result of environmental pollution, family genes, hepatitis virus infection, many bad habits and mentality. For the average person, it is necessary to minimize the superposition factor within the controllable range to reduce the incidence of liver cancer. Keep away from liver cancer to control “three major factors”.

Controllable factors:

Anti-virus infections do not take medicines

The incidence of liver cancer in patients with chronic hepatitis is 100 times higher than that of normal people. Ordinary people should first prevent hepatitis B and C virus infection against liver cancer.

Experts have suggested that special attention should be paid to medication safety. Many drugs may cause liver damage, such as antibiotics, painkillers, birth control pills, hypoglycemic and lipid-lowering drugs. In addition, many people infected with hepatitis B virus are taking drugs and superstitious folk remedies. Some drugs that are advertised as “protecting the liver”, “improving immunity”, and “nutrition” are often misnamed and should not be abused.

Controllable factors 2:

Seafoods eat less & ldquo;

Liver cancer is younger, and there are more and more bad habits in young people. Big relationship. Many young people are over-nutrition, obese, do not eat in the morning, overeating at night, and like to sleep late. These are all risk factors.

For modern people, rough tea is not only frugal virtue, but more importantly healthy. But most young people don’t think so. They eat too far, and they are hunting, what is fresh, what is raw, raw seafood, raw fish, raw meat, but I don’t know that many seafood products may contain various hepatitis viruses due to contamination. Once ingested, It may cause acute hepatitis. This is one of the reasons why the coastal areas along the southeastern coast of China are high-risk areas for liver cancer.

Experts say that although these lifestyle habits do not directly lead to the occurrence of liver cancer, there is a risk of liver cancer after superposition. Liver cancer is often based on cirrhosis. Drinking alcohol leads to alcoholic liver. Overeating causes obesity to cause steatohepatitis. Excessive dieting leads to liver damage, which may directly lead to cirrhosis. If you don’t eat early, it will lead to unbalanced nutrition. Staying up late, sleeping late and causing disorder of the body’s biological clock will reduce immunity and become a superposition factor leading to liver cancer.

Controllable factors three:

Bad emotions crush the body

Modern people are under increasing pressure, and there is no huge team of psychiatrists in China to help People alleviate this pressure, and if the mentality is not well adjusted, it is easy to develop.

Experts pointed out that many people know that they are infected with hepatitis B virus, fear, depression, do not think about tea all day, touch the liver with their hands, sometimes touch for two or three hours, always Worried that hepatitis will become cancerous. If this emotion persists for a long time, it will lead to a series of changes in neurological, endocrine and immune functions, so that the anti-cancer cells in the blood will be significantly reduced, and cancer will actually occur.

Category: Uncategorized

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