Seven nutrients that are most likely to be lost in food

By | July 5, 2019

Modern people are becoming more and more healthy, and many people are beginning to reject high-sugar, high-salt or high-fat substances, but the American Nutrition Society believes that excessive dietary health may result in uneven nutrition.

According to the latest American Dietary Guidelines, most people are undernourished by seven essential nutrients: calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamins A, C, and E.

Or, even if you eat it, these nutrients are difficult to keep in your body. The American Nutrition Association recommends that it is better to try to change your eating habits and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Calcium: When it comes to calcium, we immediately think that calcium is good for bones and teeth. In fact, the function of calcium is much more than that. It can also help maintain heart rhythm and maintain muscle function. How much calcium is needed in the end? The US “Dr. Network Medicine Doctor” believes that people of different ages have different calcium requirements. Adults 50 years of age and younger need about 800 mg of calcium per day, while those over 50 need 1000 mg. However, for those at high risk for osteoporosis, the daily intake of calcium should be increased to 1200 mg.

So what kind of food is added to calcium? We all know that eating dairy products is the easiest way. In addition, various fortified foods are also rich in calcium, such as cereals, orange juice and soy milk, you can also eat some defatted plain yogurt, skim milk, cheese, squid, boiled spinach.

Potassium: Potassium maintains normal blood pressure and plays a key role in maintaining nerve and muscle function. In general, an adult should be guaranteed 4,700 mg of potassium per day. In addition to the bananas we all know can be supplemented with potassium, the American Nutrition Society believes that the following foods are also rich in potassium: roasted sweet potatoes, ketchup, defatted yogurt, and tuna.

Fiber: Usually we all think that supplemental fiber is a thing for the elderly, but fiber is very important for people of all ages. It can keep the body healthy and lower the intestinal tract. The danger of the disease. Lucia &middot, a community nutrition expert at the University of California, believes that rich fiber can also help prevent heart disease, diabetes and other cancers.

The amount of fiber necessary for the human body depends on the age and gender. In general, 19— 50-year-old women should consume about 25 grams of fiber per day, and women aged 51 years and older should be less likely to be 21 grams/day; and 19— 50-year-old male, the daily fiber intake is 38 grams, 30 males aged 51 and over. Fiber-rich foods include: cereals, boiled red beans, baked sweet potatoes, pears, and any oatmeal.

Magnesium: The whole process of normal functioning of human body is inseparable from magnesium. Magnesium strengthens bones and strengthens the immune system. Magnesium also plays an important role in maintaining the heart, muscles and nerve function of the human body. The demand for magnesium varies among people of different ages and genders: 19 & mdash; 30-year-old women should have a daily magnesium intake of 310 mg, 31-year-old women and 320 mg; 19 & mdash; 30-year-old male 400 mg per day For men 31 years of age and older, it is 420 mg. Eat more hazelnuts, almonds, and steamed fish.

Vitamin A: It is good for enhancing vision. It is also important for immunity and growth of human tissues. In general, an adult male needs 900 micrograms of vitamin A per day, and an adult female needs 700 micrograms. You should consciously eat more carotenoid-containing foods, such as roasted sweet potatoes, fresh carrots, spinach, lettuce and so on.

Vitamin C: Not only enhances the body’s immune function, it is also a powerful antioxidant that protects human cells from damage. At the same time, Vitamin C can help create collagen, which strengthens bone and cartilage function. Adult males should consume 90 mg per day for vitamin C and 75 mg for adult women. What kind of food is rich in vitamin C? Red bell pepper, orange, strawberry, cantaloupe, broccoli can be eaten.

Vitamin E: It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps protect human cells. Vitamin E is generally found in high-fat foods and is easily rejected by those who seek a healthy diet. This is because they do not understand the difference between “bad fat” and “good fat”. The unhealthy fats we usually think of are saturated fats and trans fats, while monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats in fats are good for human health. However, no matter which kind of fat contains more calories, it must be taken in moderation. Adults need 15 mg of vitamin E per day. Foods rich in vitamin E are: melon seeds, almonds, walnuts, peanut butter, tomato sauce.

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