Shoulder ways to prevent osteoporosis

By | April 30, 2019

shoulder movement

shoulder stretching back lift movement

shoulder muscle training
on sports

Everyone knows that correct exercise can prevent disease, but how to ensure it is correct? This requires professional guidance. Experts at the Mayo Clinic in the United States have recommended a set of exercises for exercising the shoulders. Older people who are prone to osteoporosis can try it.

Shoulder Movement: Stretch your chest and strengthen your upper back. Sitting position, feet flat, keep the back and neck vertical, eyes straight ahead, elbows. The curved upper arm is centered on the shoulder, pushed backwards, held in a backward pushing position for 5 seconds, and then retracted to the starting position, repeating 5 — 10 times.

Stretching the shoulders: stretching the back and shoulders. Lie flat, bend your knees, and stretch your arms to the sides of your head while tightening your abdominal muscles. Keep your arms straight and abduct down to the shoulders for a few seconds while breathing naturally. Then restore the arm to the starting position and repeat 5— 10 times.

Upper back lift exercise: Enhance the strength of the back muscles. Ping Yu, put a pillow on the abdomen, according to personal preference, you can put a rolled towel under the forehead. Put your arms on your sides and abdomen, keeping your head, neck and trunk in a straight line. Be careful to keep your shoulders naturally drooping, don’t shrug your shoulders, then raise your head and chest while inhaling, about a few inches off the ground, hold for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. After a few seconds of rest, continue with 5— 10 times.

Shoulder Muscle Training: Enhance muscle strength behind the shoulders. Standing on both legs before and after, standing with one hand on the back of the chair, holding 0.5&mdash in one hand; 1 kg of heavy objects. Put the weight of the hand back and hold it for a few seconds, restore to the starting position, repeat 5 & mdash; 10 times; change hands and change legs, repeat 5 & mdash; 10 times. Under the guidance of a doctor, gradually increase the weight of the weight, but try not to exceed 2.5 kg.

Category: Uncategorized

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