Going to fitness, what equipment should I bring?

By | March 24, 2019

& ldquo; empty hand & rdquo; going to the gym is not a smart move, if you can bring these five equipment with you, not only can reduce the chance of injury and improve the effect of exercise.

Weight-bearing belt: Effective protection of the lumbar spine

The weight-bearing belt is recognized as one of the most important fitness equipment. The weight belt not only strengthens the strength, but also provides you with the necessary protection against sports injuries, especially on the lumbar spine.

There is evidence that the belt also contributes to the development of strength in the core of the body rather than hindering it. One study found that during the deadlift process, the trainer’s abdominal muscle activity increased by 10% after the belt was tied, while another study recorded a 23% increase in erector spine activity during the squat.

Time to use: Use it only when doing heavy weight training. Especially those that apply weight directly to the spine, such as squats, bench presses, and bowing.

MP3 Player: Lets you do two more shoulder trainings

Listening to your favorite music during exercise can make you stronger. A recent study by the Wade Institute will be presented at the annual meeting of the National Institute of Strength and Physical Fitness, which states that bodybuilders listen to their favorite music in each set of shoulder training exercises. They can perform at least one extra repetitive action per group on average, and in some cases they can even make two extra repetitions.

Time to use: When you enter the locker room, the excited music is full of brains. In the routine process you are preparing for training, your body releases corticosteroids and testosterone, and listening to exciting music can speed up the release process. Make sure you listen to music in every group of training sessions, especially if you have a slogan training partner around you. If you train alone, keep your headphones in your ears, so that those who are doing nothing can chat with you, thus reducing your training intensity.

Kneepads: Protect your joints and help you complete your squats

Why do every Romanian wear knee pads? This is because these elastic bandages can give you when you are doing squat training. Knee joint support. Except for the elasticity of the knee pads, you will also get a deeper weight.

Time to use: Like the weight belt, the knee pads are prepared for your heavy weight training. Because they provide you with elastic energy when you are deep in the end. Kneepads actually reduce the involvement of the gluteus maximus, the biceps femoris, and the lateral femoral muscles (the lateral femoral muscles), which are usually mobilized at the bottom end of the movement. The knee pads allow you to perform squat training that is heavier than usual. They can help you increase the activity of the leg muscles during the first half of the squat, such as the medial femoral and rectus femoris.

Just be careful not to over-tighten your knees: this super-strong pressure can cause damage to the knee joint. You should look for those thick and long knee pads.

Weight-bearing grip: Increase muscle vitality

Because the wrist’s power belt can help you increase your grip and complete more repetitions, the weight-bearing grip can hold your hands away Freed from the device. It allows you to focus more on the muscles being trained.

The study found that in high-slung and seated rope rowing training, the use of the grip belt can increase the latissimus dorsi 50% and 90% respectively compared to the normal grip position. However, the muscle activity of the forearm is reduced by more than 70%.

When to use: When you are doing at least 3 to 4 trainings per action, it is recommended to use the grip belt in groups 1 or 2, or use them in the back training. However, you should not only Use it for your back training.

Free Grip Belt

It can also be used for training on the triceps, biceps and shoulders. Weight-bearing booster belt: Increased back training times The 2008 National Strength and Fitness Association’s annual meeting announced that in the back training, the bodybuilders who use the power belt can perform an average of one or two repetitions per group.

When to use: Use the power belt only in the last few groups of lifting movements (such as most back and trapezius movements) when your grip strength begins to fatigue and becomes a limiting factor.

However, new evidence suggests that you should consider using a booster belt in each set of lifting exercises. If you are worried that this will affect your grip, you can train your grip alone.

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