The eight “jobs” of postpartum lactation!

By | March 31, 2019

After the baby was born smoothly, the troubles of the mothers did not end. Insufficient breast milk after childbirth is a big problem that plagues many new mothers. In fact, a lot of prolactin & ldquo; heroes rdquo; is around. Let Peas Mom (parent invited senior mother) count for you!

Not long ago, a large number of newborns suffering from stone disease due to drinking milk powder exceeding the standard of chlorinated cyanide caused widespread concern in society. This incident has once again made breastfeeding, which has gradually faded out of sight, once again become the focus of society. In fact, the mother’s milk is the best gift for the baby, the new mothers should not give up breastfeeding. However, Doudou knows that because of the lack of milk, many mothers have to give up breastfeeding. In order to solve the problems of the new mothers, Doudou found a few prolactin & ldquo; heroes, I hope they can help the mothers.

First, black sesame

Black sesame has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, benefiting blood and moistening the intestines. “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic” lists black sesame seeds as top grades, and is considered to be “mainly wounded, vain, supplementing five, benefiting strength, long muscles, filling the brain”, “long service, light body is not old”. “Materia Medica” said that “can liver and kidney, run five internal organs, slippery”, “ld and ear, black hair, small intestines, wind and humidity. & rdquo;

Modern pharmacological research shows that black sesame contains a lot of fat and protein, as well as sugar, vitamin A, vitamin E, lecithin, calcium, iron, chromium and other nutrients.

Black sesame contains a variety of essential amino acids in the body with the participation of vitamin E, vitamin B1, can accelerate the body’s metabolic function; iron and vitamin E in black sesame is to prevent anemia, activate brain cells, An important component that eliminates vascular cholesterol; black sesame contains mostly unsaturated fatty acids and has a longevity effect; lecithin contained in black sesame is one of the components in bile, if cholesterol in bile is too high and in bile The imbalance of bile acid and lecithin will form and form gallstones. Lecithin can decompose and lower cholesterol, so lecithin can prevent the formation of gallstones. Prolactin has a wonderful method

Any liver and kidney deficiency, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, constipation, weakness after illness, early whitening, blood deficiency, numbness, lack of milk, etc. Black sesame seeds are of great benefit.

Second, peanuts

Peanuts can be used for spleen deficiency, edema, vaginal discharge of women, anemia and various hemorrhagic and coughing, dry cough, chronic cough, postpartum lactation and other diseases.

In addition to prolactin, peanuts have other effects:

Peanut is rich in fat, various amino acids required for human life activities, and is easily digested and absorbed by the body. It has nourishment and strong longevity. .

Vitamin E in peanuts is anti-aging, and vitamin B1 can nourish nerve fibers.

The calcium and iron contained in peanuts are very beneficial to children, pregnant women and mothers.

Peanut has anti-fibrinolytic, increases platelet content and improves its function, strengthens the contractile function of capillaries, improves the defects of blood coagulation factors, and contains a small amount of cellulose, which has a good hemostasis and can accelerate Hematoma subsides, can be used for a variety of internal and external hemorrhage, including hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, functional uterine bleeding.

The oil contained in peanuts is mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Lecithin contained in peanuts can delay the decline of brain function and prevent thrombosis.

Three, loofah

Loofah is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, also known as loofah, loofah shell, melon, loofah, etc., is taken after the loofah matures and dried up. Remove the skin and pulp, seeds, wash and dry, that is, loofah.

Loofah is mostly long-horned or long-cylindrical, interwoven with filaments. Loofah is sweet, cold, has the function of passing meridians and cooling blood and detoxification, can cure qi and blood block, meridians and other diseases. Prolactin has a coup

If there is inflammation of the breast, there is a mass during milking, and when the milk is not well secreted, the Chinese medicine doctor will recommend that the loofah be stewed in the broth, which can play the role of breast blood and prolactin. And the efficacy of appetizing and phlegm.

Some women will drink loofah and squid, pig’s trotters and kidney soup. After drinking, they found that the milk secretion is strong. In fact, this is mainly the effect of broth, and simply the loofah soup can not reach the effect of prolactin.

But if you cook the loofah and broth, you can play the role of prolactin. Experts suggest that the milk secretion is not smooth, breast mass, under the guidance of Chinese medicine, appropriate to take loofah, in order to Tongluo lactation.

4, Golden Needle

Acacia is also called 萱草花, and another yam, such as day lily, is the part of the flower bud on the sedge. It is a perennial perennial wild herb with roots that are lumpy and like to grow in a humid place. The nutrients are very rich, and each 100 grams of dry product contains 14.1 grams of protein, which is almost similar to animal meat. In addition, it also contains a large amount of vitamins B1, B2 and the like. Because of the rich nutrition of the day lily, it has more therapeutic value. The motherland medicine thinks it is beneficial to moist heat, wide chest, diuretic, hemostasis and lower milk. After the treatment of postpartum milk, the use of needles stewed lean pork to eat, very effective.

Five, 茭白

Legend has it that Wu Zetian has less milk after birth, and has complicated constipation and oral ulcers, but she is afraid of taking medicine. At that time, a scholar who had a deep knowledge of diet therapy, Meng Bianxian A diet prescription, Lingbai mud tofu vinegar and vinegar to adjust, played a miraculous effect.

It is eaten as a vegetable, and its taste is sweet, fresh and refreshing. It is also listed as the three famous dishes in the south of the Yangtze River in the Jiangnan area of ​​the water town of Zeguo. Not only delicious, nutritious, but also contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C and various minerals. The motherland medicine believes that the whiteness is sweet and cold, and it has antipyretic, anti-thirsty, diuretic and prolactin effects. Nowadays, more white, pig’s trotters, and grasses (or mountain conch) are used together, which have a good prolactin effect.

Because of the cold whiteness, if the mother is spleen and stomach, and the stool is not true, then it is not advisable to eat more. Another sputum contains more difficult calcium oxalate, and patients with urinary calculi should also be careful not to eat too much.

Sixth, lettuce

Lettuce lobes and stems are used in two kinds, leaves with lettuce, also known as “lettuce”, and stalks with lettuce, “let lettuce”, have Rich in nutrients. According to the analysis, except for iron, all other nutrients are higher in leaves than stems. Therefore, when eating lettuce, it is best not to leave the leaves without eating.

Lettuce has a bitter taste and has a milk-passing effect. When the mother’s milk is low, it can be eaten with lettuce and trotters. This method of eating not only reduces greasy, fragrant and delicious, but also better than the hooves alone.

Seven, peas

Peas, also known as green beans, are sweet and mellow, rich in phosphorus, containing about 400 mg of phosphorus per 100 grams. Pea is good for urination, fluid, anti-acne, anti-diarrhea, and milk. Green peas cooked in light food or pea sprouts with smashed juice, can be passed through the milk.

Eight, tofu

Tofu is good for gas and medium, and it is effective for moistening and detoxifying. It is also a prolactin food. It can be raw with tofu, brown sugar, wine and boiled water.

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