What is the reason for adults to sleep and drool?

By | July 15, 2019

drooling while sleeping may be caused by improper sleeping posture. If you sleep on the table and sleep in the side, it is easy to cause drooling. However, if it is done for a long time, it may be caused by some physical diseases and needs attention.

Four factors lead to drooling while sleeping

First, poor oral hygiene

The temperature and humidity in the mouth are most suitable for the reproduction of bacteria, on the teeth and on the teeth. The accumulation of food residues or sugar substances is prone to dental caries and periodontal disease. Inflammation in the mouth promotes salivation. If the oral cavity is infected by bacteria, the pain is obvious, and it is easy to drool. It is necessary to use local medicine to promote ulcer healing, and the situation of drooling will disappear automatically.

When you sleep, you drool, have a salty taste, and the pillow towel is light yellow. It is probably due to poor oral hygiene and accumulation of food residue. There are more tartars in the long days, causing inflammation of the gums and even a small amount of bleeding in the gums.

Second, anterior deformity

Dental malformation is also the cause of drooling while sleeping. Especially in patients with convex tooth deformity, the anterior teeth protrude more prominently, and often open lips and teeth. It is difficult to completely cover the front tooth surface when sleeping, and the upper and lower lips are often separated naturally, so it is easy to drool. It is best for these patients to correct their teeth as soon as possible.

Three neuromodulation disorders

In addition to the above oral problems, some systemic diseases may also cause drooling while sleeping. The regulation of salivation is completely neuro-reflective, the so-called “death thirst”, which is an example of conditioned reflex saliva secretion. Therefore, neuromodulation disorders can also produce drooling while sleeping. Some patients with neurosis or other systemic diseases that may cause autonomic disorders may have abnormal parasympathetic excitation during sleep, which may cause the brain to send out false signals and cause increased salivation.

Four Drug Factors

In addition, one of the side effects of taking some anti-epileptic drugs is drooling. You need to pay attention when choosing drugs.

How do adult drooling?

First of all, you should not have a mental burden. You should go to a regular hospital for examination. You should treat the primary disease of drooling, such as neurosis and oral inflammation. Second, you should develop good eating habits. Do not go to bed immediately after meals, do not eat too much or too much to eat greasy, sticky and other non-digestible foods; third, develop good hygiene habits such as mouthwash after eating, brushing your teeth before going to bed, to reduce inflammation in the mouth happened. In addition, do not have to exercise vigorously or use the brain excessively before going to bed.

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