Seven life details to relieve dysmenorrhea discomfort

By | May 1, 2019

Women have a few days each month, fidgeting, emotional irritability. The United States “Women’s Health Organization” website article pointed out that paying attention to some details in life can effectively alleviate menstrual discomfort.

Warm stomach warmer back

Put the hot water bottle on the stomach or back, so that the stomach and back can not be cold and cold, which can effectively relieve dysmenorrhea.


Many people know that bathing with warm water for a long time can relieve dysmenorrhea. If you add a salt bath massage, you can relax and relax.

Lying on the side of the leg

In the fetal position, that is, lying on the bed on the side of the leg, it can relieve discomfort such as abdominal pain and breast pain.


Take part in some slower sports such as yoga.

Drink chrysanthemum tea

Drink with chrysanthemum, raspberry, cinnamon and bark.

Drink fresh pineapple juice or pineapple before menstruation

Because pineapple contains a kind of bromelain that relaxes the muscles of the body, it can relieve menstrual pain.

Eat more foods containing zinc, iron and calcium

One week before menstruation, eat less salt, drink less coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks, and eat less sweet food.

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