11 foods that improve sleep

By | March 27, 2019

In daily life, most people pay more attention to diet and exercise, and sleep is relatively rare. If you have insufficient sleep, you will be dizzy, depressed, and serious, leading to illness! Especially for women, staying up late is the biggest killer of women’s health! How to improve sleep has gradually been valued by people, there are many ways to improve sleep, the following introduces some foods to improve sleep, to regulate your sleep through the usual diet, I really hope everyone can sleep well!

1, vinegar

Some people after a long journey, overwork, night difficult to sleep, can a tablespoon of vinegar blended with warm water in the slow service. After drinking, calmly close your eyes and you will fall asleep soon.

2, syrup

If you are troubled by irritability and can not sleep, you can drink a cup of sugar. Because syrup can be converted into a large amount of serotonin in the body, this substance enters the brain, which can inhibit the cerebral cortex and fall asleep.

3, milk

Tryptophan in milk is one of the eight essential amino acids in the human body. It not only has the effect of inhibiting brain excitement, but also has the effect of making people feel tired. It is one of the indispensable amino acids in the body. The content of a cup of milk is enough to make people sleep, which makes people enter the dream faster.

4, fruit

People who are over-tired and insomnia, eat apples, bananas and other fruits before going to sleep, can resist muscle fatigue; if you put orange-orange fruit on the pillow, Its fragrance also promotes sleep.

5, bread

When you are insomnia, eat a little bread, can calm you down and urge you to sleep.

6, millet

In addition to rich nutrients, the content of tryptophan in millet is the first in cereals. Chinese medicine believes that it has the effects of strengthening the spleen, stomach and sleeping. How to eat: Take the right amount of millet, add water to cook porridge, eat it at dinner or eat before going to bed, you can take the effect of sleeping.

7, fresh θ—•

θ—• contains a lot of carbohydrates and rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and many other vitamins, with heat, nourishing, troublesome and other effects. Can cure blood deficiency and insomnia. Food Method: Take fresh oysters and smash them with small fire. Add some honey after slicing, and eat them at will. It has the effect of sleeping and sleeping.

8, sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in protein, sugar, multivitamins and a variety of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, etc., with liver, nourishing, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Take a sunflower every night and have a good sleeping effect.

9, lotus seeds

Lotus seeds are fragrant and delicious, with the effect of replenishing the heart and spleen, nourishing blood and soothe the nerves. In recent years, biologists have confirmed through experiments that the lotus seed, aromatic sputum and other ingredients contained in lotus seeds have a sedative effect; after consumption, the pancreas can be stimulated to secrete insulin, which in turn can increase the supply of serotonin, so that people can fall asleep. Taking sugar water to boil the lotus seeds every night before going to bed will have a good sleep aid effect.

10, jujube

jujube sweet, sugar, protein, vitamin C, organic acid, mucus, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., have the effect of spleen and soothe the nerves . Use 30~60g of jujube every night, add some water to cook, and help to sleep.

11. Lettuce

There is a milky white serum in lettuce, which has calming effect on sedativeness and no toxicity. It is most suitable for people with neurasthenia and insomnia. When using, the lettuce is sliced ​​and cooked to drink soup, especially before bedtime, which is more helpful for sleep.

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