Pay attention to 9 tips, men drink, don’t hurt

By | July 30, 2019

Drinking is hard to avoid. Drinking in moderation is good for your health and alcoholism will hurt you. How to drink alcohol does not hurt? I believe that it is also a concern of everyone.

1. hot drink as wine

Whether liquor, wine, drink after heating: First, aromatic taste buds; the second is can evaporate some of the low boiling aldehydes harmful Substance, reducing harmful ingredients.

Drinking is hard to avoid. Drinking in moderation is good for your health and alcoholism will hurt you. How to drink alcohol does not hurt? I believe that it is also a concern of everyone.

2. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach

While drinking alcohol, while eating, the wine stays in the stomach for a long time, the alcohol is interfered by stomach acid, and the absorption is slow, so it is not easy to get drunk.

3. Don’t mix a variety of wines

Because the ingredients and content of different wines are mixed, they will change, making people uncomfortable after drinking, even headaches and easy drunk.

4. Don’t drink too much.

Let’s drink slowly, pause from time to time. Do not drink carbonated drinks, such as cola or soda, when drinking, so as not to speed up the body’s absorption of alcohol.

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