How much fruit should be eaten in a day?

By | July 24, 2019

To be healthy, you should eat more fruits and vegetables. This is a concept that we are already familiar with. But how much should I eat in a day? The Central Health Education Unit of the Hong Kong Department of Health recently pointed out on its special website that each person should eat at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables per day and explain them in detail.

When calculating the amount of fruit, not only fresh fruit, canned fruit, ebony and dried dates, but also dried fruit without added sugar or salt can be included; Except for fruits that add a lot of sugar (such as desserts) and fruits with high fat content (such as coconut, durian, and avocado). Specifically, a fruit is about equal to a medium-sized fruit (such as orange or apple), 1/4 cup of dried fruit without added sugar or salt (eg, dried raisins, ebony), and 3/4 cups without added sugar. Fresh juice (eg fresh orange juice with flesh).

In the calculation of vegetables, in addition to fresh vegetables, canned vegetables can also be included, except for pickled vegetables, because their nutrients have been damaged in the curing process. In general, a bowl of uncooked leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, broccoli, etc., can be counted as a vegetable; but if it is cooked vegetables, half a bowl can be counted as one. In addition, 3/4 cups of fresh vegetable juice without added sugar can also be counted as a vegetable.

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