Eating scorpions pays attention to “one high and two low”

By | April 6, 2019

With the approach of the Dragon Boat Festival in the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, various kinds of scorpions attract people, meat stuffing, fruit filling, jujube filling, chestnut filling, egg yolk filling, etc. The dazzling array of people is dazzling. So, how can you eat scorpions in order to enjoy the delicious and festive atmosphere while eating healthy? And see what the experts say:

Wang Dongxu, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that from the perspective of Chinese medicine, the leaves of Baozizi are good medicine for clearing away heat. Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty in China, said in his book “Compendium of Materia Medica” that the loquat leaves have the effect of “heat-clearing and stopping bleeding, detoxification and swelling, treating vomiting blood, lowering blood, unfavorable urination, and bloating”. In recent years, studies have shown that the extract of eucalyptus leaves has an anti-cancer effect.

Professor Guo Haiying, director of the Department of Health Rehabilitation at Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the main ingredient of medlar is rich in B vitamins, which can warm the spleen and stomach and make up the vital energy. Deficiency of spleen and stomach, poor appetite, abdominal distension and diarrhea. Glutinous rice has a good effect on urinary frequency and spontaneous sweating. Jujube filling scorpion has the effect of replenishing vital energy, nourishing blood and calming the nerves; chestnut stuffing scorpion has the effect of tonifying qi and strengthening spleen and tonifying kidney; fruit filling scorpion has the effect of laxative and laxative; egg yolk stuffing has scorpion The effect of the puzzle.

Because most of the scorpions are made of glutinous rice, they have high viscosity, are not easy to digest, and lack fiber, and contain too much fat, salt and sugar. Professor Guo Haiying recommends that readers should not eat a scorpion for a day. More than 3, males are best not to exceed 5. While eating scorpions, it is necessary to mix vegetables and fruits to help the intestines and stomachs to move, and to avoid intestine and stomach indigestion caused by eating lice. In addition, it is best not to eat scorpions for two hours before going to bed, do not touch cold fruits and fruits with a lot of water, such as watermelon, so as not to cause diarrhea or abdominal pain. In addition, patients with cardiovascular disease, “three high” population, diabetes patients, patients with gastrointestinal diseases should be careful to eat or even fasting lice.

Yan Juan, director of the Department of Internal Medicine of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that eating scorpions should pay attention to “one high and two low”. Pay attention to high fiber: The glutinous rice used by medlar needs longer digestion time, and gastrointestinal emptying takes longer. It is easy to cause dyspepsia such as hyperacidity, bloating or stomach numbness, so it must be heated and eaten. If the main ingredient can participate in some cereals, red beans, coix seed, yam, taro or sweet potato, it can not only increase the fiber content, reduce the burden on the stomach, but also be more beneficial to health. Low oil and low calories: Meat chops have long been the protagonist of the scorpion family, but its defect is high in saturated fat content, so it is not advisable to mix with greasy food when choosing scorpions, to make scorpion mix, chew slowly . If supplemented with vegetables containing more plant fiber, it is more reasonable in terms of nutrition and health.

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