Expert: Eat more oil is not necessarily fat

By | July 23, 2019

In order to maintain health and prevent disease, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. Body weight includes the weight of non-fat tissue such as body fat tissue, bones and muscles. Whether a person’s weight is a healthy range can be measured by the internationally accepted body mass index. The body mass index is calculated by dividing the body weight (kg) by the square of the height (m). The healthy weight of adults in China ranges from 1.5 to 23.9 kg/m2, and that of 24.0 to 27.9 kg/m2 is overweight, and that is greater than or equal to 28 kg/m2. Less than 18.5 kg /m 2 is thin.

Excessive and underweight are unhealthy performances that shorten life expectancy. Those who are within the health range are at greater risk of developing various diseases than those who are thinner or overweight and obese. Overweight can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes. Obese people are also susceptible to osteoarthrosis, fatty liver, cholelithiasis, gout, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, endocrine disorders, etc. disease. Underweight indicates that the body’s malnutrition can affect the normal development of the body and intelligence of minors; adults with low body weight may have decreased labor capacity, bone loss and fracture, gastrointestinal dysfunction, low immunity, and women’s menstruation. Reconcile amenorrhea, anemia and depression.

A person’s weight depends on the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. The food that is eaten provides us with the energy we need, and our basic life activities and various physical activities consume energy. Therefore, food intake and physical activity are two decisive factors in maintaining energy balance. When the amount of food intake is greater than the amount of physical activity, the excess energy will accumulate in the body as fat, increasing body weight, and over time will make people fat; if the amount of food intake is less than the amount of physical activity, insufficient energy can cause weight loss, Over time, it can cause underweight and weight loss. Therefore, in order to maintain a healthy weight, it is recommended to eat too much and exercise every day.

Eat more oil is not necessarily fat

Theoretically, the fat of the oil is high, and it is easier to gain weight when eating more. However, many studies now find that the more critical factor in maintaining weight is the amount of activity. When there is more physical activity, more fat intake does not necessarily lead to weight gain. A person’s pursuit of health should not only focus on the nutrition of the diet, but also consider lifestyle factors such as physical activity, smoking, drinking, and psychology. Together with the diet, they form the basis of good health.

Insufficient physical activity can lead to chronic diseases

Physical activity refers to any physical activity that causes energy expenditure. The physical activities of adults every day are mainly divided into four aspects, namely, work, travel modes (including driving, etc.), housework, entertainment and physical exercise. A large number of scientific studies have proven that regular physical activity can enhance heart and lung function, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, inhibit thrombosis, reduce the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, promote bone health, accelerate fat metabolism, relieve tension, anxiety and depression. Such as bad mood, while preventing colon cancer, breast cancer and so on.

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