Simple and easy to do fattening method

By | March 14, 2019

Summer has arrived, which is an annoyance for a friend who is too thin. Here are 4 simple ways to increase fat to give you fat!

The so-called fattening method 4 is very simple: TANG TANG TANG TANG (with yin and yang).


So it is said that the southerners will be well-maintained because they have always had the habit of soup. So if you want to be fat, drink more soup first. Of course, various carbonated drinks are also included here. Especially after the exercise, drink a sweet drink, and you will get more weight with less.


There is no need to say more about this. What is chocolate? What is fattening? But don’t underestimate what Hawthorn, sweet words or something. You think about how sour things are the hawthorn and plums, but why are we so sweet? It is because of the sugar. So if you want to be fat, eat more sweet! !

TANG (lie):

Lie after eating, live to ninety-nine. The Japanese are very well-maintained. After eating, they sleep, and the effect is obvious. Our bedroom used to sleep for one semester at school, and as a result, everyone’s rich state has improved to varying degrees. Experience it yourself, don’t try it!


It’s said that eating hot will increase fat, I haven’t tried it. Probably because after the burn, the appetite is good, such as hot pot! This statement has yet to be verified, and it will not be repeated for the time being.

Well, regardless of the variety of weight loss products in the community. But for me, this method of fattening is useless. Oh, I am not afraid of you not to believe. I am afraid that you will not try!

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